
Sunday, November 13, 2011


Yes mom (and anyone else who is wondering) any adult who would like to share their middle school experience can. Also! I have moved the date of middle school experiences to November 23, no later or I won't share your experience! Again please tell me if you don't or do want your experience shared! Thank you!
The Author

1 comment:

  1. oh no I just saw this post now! But here it comes and you decide what to do love:
    I remember when I moved from Denmark to Iceland, I was thirteen and terrified of the Icelandic kids. So for the first day of school to make sure no one would mess with me, I dressed up like a punk rocker. All my hair was buzzed expect for my bleached blond long bangs, I had on a leather jacket, army boots and ripped jeans. I was no punk rocker at heart just scared;) After the first day I was so heart broken that no one spoke to me, I felt utterly alone. A few weeks after that when I had actually made some friends at school, they told me they were absolutely terrified of the new punk rocker chick at school-that they didn´t dare say a word to me that first day.....
    That´s where fear leads you, so my advise is this; remember that everyone in your school has also had a first day of school, you are not alone;)
