
Friday, May 25, 2012

New Blog, New Beginning

Hi guys!!  I made a new blog!!
Please read THAT one, because I am officially moving blogs!!  Thanks!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Sorry I haven't been in touch! I've just been a little bit busy! Soon I will post everyone's middle school experiences! Yay!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Yes mom (and anyone else who is wondering) any adult who would like to share their middle school experience can. Also! I have moved the date of middle school experiences to November 23, no later or I won't share your experience! Again please tell me if you don't or do want your experience shared! Thank you!
The Author

Saturday, October 29, 2011


HELLO? Does ANYONE read my blog? Well if you are then why don't you tell me? I love getting comments from people, negative or positive! I'm not asking for much. You could just write hey or, yo or even, I!!! Just some one save me from this 0 and turn it into a 100:) from the author,
Sölva ;)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oh Yeah!!

I just remembered that it's only 11 more days till Halloween!!! Wooohooo!!! I'm being little black riding hood. Yea thas right I say BLACK. One because I don't want to be cute and all those annoying things and two I wanted to be different. And of course I'm making it!! Oh yeah!!! I can't wait!! It's going to be soooo cool!! See ya around!
The Author,

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Outfit For Today

This is my outfit that I was wearing today
A tank top by Skinny
Green baggy pants by Crew Cuts (boys 10)(I cut them)
Black leggings by Total Girl
Plaid collard shirt by Gap
White watch by Swatch
Socks by Little Miss Matched

Well that's it for today! :)
The Author,

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Because no one has sent in any middle school experiences so far, I am setting up a due date which is 11/11/11. I enjoy receiving comments from my followers/people that read my blog. Please follow! :) Thanks! I would highly appreciate it! Don't be frightened! I won't track you down if you don't! It would just make me very happy I'd you would!
From the Author,
Sölva ;)